Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Originally posted Aug 24, 2007

Over the past few weeks, my eyes have been opening wider and wider. Because of this I have been able to see some new things, and also I can see things in a new and different light. Take alcohol for an example, I use to see it as a volatile liquid made out of clumps of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Also, it is known for its intoxicating (read: poison) effect on most carbon-based life forms when taken in non-lethal doses. There are even some kinds of birds that like to eat rotten and fermented berries that get them drunk. I think I would like to see a drunken bird flying around.
Anyway, now I can also see alcohol as something else. Most of the kinds of alcohol we drink are made out of yeast and some starches or sugar. The yeast likes to eat the sugar. Once the sugar passes through them, the carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are rearranged and waste comes out. This waste is alcohol. Shortly thereafter, the yeast drowns in its own excrement. So when you think about it, when we drink, we are actually getting drunk on the dead bodies of yeast floating around in it’s own shit. Chew on that one for a while.
While you are chewing on that I will get to the point. Over the summer I didn’t really end up doing much. Mostly sitting around watching old movies and TV shows. Now I am not sure what this does to the rest of you, but I ended up gaining about ten or fifteen pounds, and I know that I didn’t gain any muscle mass. Now that the school year is pretty much in full swing, and I have this nifty new apartment right near campus, I have a nice gym I can go to whenever I want for free. I actually am starting to enjoy going there and working myself to exhaustion, I think it is all the endorphins. That is not the only reason I enjoy going there though, there are entertainment factors as well.
For one, I can see some of these guys that like to stare and make very serious faces at themselves in the mirror while they grunt and lift weights. Some of you may consider that a little homosexual that I observe this, but I personally think it is a little entertaining and funny to me.
Another good thing about the gym are the women that decide to go there at the same time I do. Yes, I look at girls while I am at the gym; there, I said it. Now, I don’t want you to think I am some kind of pervert, just hear me out. To illustrate this point a little bit I would like to tell you a story. A couple days ago I was walking into the Wellness Center with my roommate. As I was about to open the door, I saw a girl walking out of the door. Now this girl was an attractive girl both to me, and by society’s standards. I gave her a passing glance, nothing too serious. But then she did something that caught my attention pretty quickly. I saw this girl, who most likely just got finished with a very strenuous workout, cross her arms and grab each side of her shirt. After that, she began to pull her arms up while her hands were holding firmly onto each side of her shirt. After about a second (but what seemed like about thirty seconds) her shirt was completely off. Under this shirt was some nice tanned skin; a little bit of this skin was still covered up a little by a hot pink sports bra. She then proceeded to stretch her arms from the most likely strenuous, sweat-producing workout she just had.
Now this did catch my eye and I found myself turning my head so my eyes could follow her as she walked away, out of my life, perhaps forever. My wandering eyes caught my roommate’s attention, prompting her to point it out to me that my eyes were wandering in case I did not know. Now I knew that I was staring at this girl, but it is something I did without really thinking about.
This got me thinking. Why do I do this? Then it came to me. There are some things I see that catch my eye that I can’t help but look at. What else is there that I look at and can’t really help looking? Shooting stars are one thing I can compare seeing an attractive woman at the gym, or maybe seeing a couple girls kiss at the bar. When I see a shooting star, or one of those other things, I don’t pause and think, “Hey, should I be looking at this?” If I stop and think about looking at it, the opportunity to see it will be gone.
So I am sorry if I offend anyone by the things I see and choose to look at. I know most of you are guilty of the same thing I am. Sometimes when I pass a girl during the course of my day, I glance at her, but I can see her glance right back at me, sizing me up, which is fine with me. Or when I pull up to an intersection, I see the person next to me look over to see whom I am, I only see this because I turn to look and see whom they are. This stuff is going on all the time. I know that some of you may see me looking at certain things from time to time, but you have to admit that you do it sometimes as well.
I guess that is all I have to say about that for right now. I hope I didn’t come across as perverted or sick or anything like that. I am just a normal (sort of (OK not really)) person like the rest of you. Good luck with the coming school year for those of you it applies to.
What would this note be if I didn't put up some random hottie on here? Probably a little more classy, but here it is none-the-less

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