Monday, March 31, 2008

Lessons From Squirrels

Origianally posted on Facebook Feb. 14, 2007

"When problems overwhelm us, and sadness smothers us, where do we find the will and the courage to continue? Well the answer may come in the caring voice of a friend, a chance encounter with a book, or from a personal faith. For Janet, help came from her faith, but it also came from a squirrel.
"Shortly after her divorce, Janet lost her father, then she lost her job, she had mounting money problems; but Janet not only survived, she worked her way out of despondency and now she says life is good again.
"How could this happen? She told me that late one autumn day, when she was at her lowest, she watched a squirrel storing up nuts for the winter, one at a time he would take them to the nest and she thought if that squirrel can take care of himself with the harsh winter coming on so can I. Once I broke my problems into small pieces I was able to carry them, just like those acorns, one at a time."

This little story came from this White Stripes song that I heard not too long ago, and it got me thinking. It does have a point.
First though, lets take a look at squirrels,
Squirrels love nuts, especially acorns. That is one of the rare stereotypes you can use freely and no one will disagree with you; I bet the squirrels would even agree with you and they wouldn't be offended or ashamed. They would welcome your inquiries about what kind nuts they like the best, where they can find the best nuts, and what time of the year the nuts taste the best. Just don't ask it where it hides it's nuts. Chances are that if a squirrel isn't doing something to do with nuts, he is enjoying his second favorite pasttime, running out in front of cars.
Problems seem to pile up on us in this society. I have to deal with my studies, while at the same time, working to have money to pay bills and buy the nessesities, and planning for my future as a coporate sellout (hopefully not); not to mention the maze that makes up a social and love life. Without boring you with the details, when I feel overwhelmed by all these factors (plus more I may have left out) it does help to not look at all these factors in the big picture, that can get very heavy.
Breaking all of them apart and focussing on the little pieces one at a time makes things a whole lot more managable. I know that sounds like common sense, but I have been consciously trying it out recently and it actually makes a difference. I am not stressing out about school as much anymore, plus my grades have gotten a little better. I am back to my easy going self and it feels good. So try it out.
Well my time is up, I hope you got at least something out of this.
Have a good Valentine's Day. Give you're lover something special, Greeting cards and Flowers are available at Wal-Mart. That should be a clue to not buy them for your lover. Make him/her something personal. A meal, or a hand drawn card, or any of that other crap you see in movies.
Peace out,
PS - That is what the alphabit would look like if we took out R and Q.

George Bush Does Not Like Paris Hilton

Religion is an interesting thing. It can make someone stop on the side of the road to help you change your tire, help you out with a few bucks if you're in need, or it will make someone kill you because their god has a different name/attitude/color/whatever. Staying away from that topic and moving to something a little more local. A new brand new bill was just passed in the North Dakota Senate (or House, I can't remember which) that would deny anyone an abortion unless the pregnency was threatening their life.
For all of you prol-lifers out there, good for you, for all the pro-choicers, serves you right. Damn left-wing hippies. Anyway, The pro-life march across the country has its plusses. Life is indeed a gift and we here in the U.S. need all the little gifts we can get. America has pretty close to three hundred million people. Thats a big number, but China has over 1.3 billion. Damn, they got us by a billion people.
If America is going to hang on to its world superpower status, we need to bolster up the numbers. What better way to do that than let people believe they are commiting murder if they have an abortion, or that there is a strong possibility they will go to Hell if they use a condom or some other form of birth control.
This means that when Sally has a one night stand with Harry after meeting him on the dance floor at Gilly's, the little result growing inside of her is a life and to take it out early would be murder. But this Harry fellow seems like he would be a good father. He just got promoted to assistant manager at Office Max, this man is going places.
Sometimes you have to look at the evolutionary side of things. People that troll for tail at Gilly's or any similar place usually aren't the brightest people around. Their brain set-up will mix in with the mother's (who promises to quit smoking and drinking after the first trimester). These kids will come out and probalby be encouraged by their father to play football and hockey. Then, while drinking after the game they go right ahead and fuck some cheerleader ("Like, oh my God, he can like, throw that football so far); she gets knocked up and the whole vicious cycle starts over again.
Well I think I set out to say what I wanted to say. It didn't end up where I thought it would but thats just the way it goes sometimes. Don't hate me if I offend you, but let me know if I do, I need the feedback.
Have yourselves a good superbowl weekend, and don't do anything the Good Lord woun't do. I may even swing by your place and bring you some food, if I am in a generous mood.
This has nothing to do with this note. But I do get a kick out of it

Sunday, March 30, 2008

An Introduction

(originally posted on Facebook Jan. 22, 2007)
To everybody,
Hi, my name is Seth for those of you that don't know me, which I think you should since this is a facebook profile. But if you don't, welcome, kick off your shoes and stay awhile.
I have been having a lot of thoughts lately and I need a place to put them because my head doesn't really hang on to them for very long. Since I am too lazy to start a blog or a myspace profile or whatever else you can do these days, I decided to use this nifty little notes feature to see if I can't give some of you that decide to read a little insight... maybe even change your mind about something. I do my best with grammer and sometimes things just sound better if you say them with bad grammer. Also if you have seen any of these thoughts before, it is probably just a coincidence.

For my first rant I would like to talk about humans,
The picture is what we think our galaxy might look like if we looked at it from above. Now the location I have pointed out isn't the exact location but I am doing it to make a point. everything you have ever seen (not counting other stars), touched, felt, heard, tasted, smelled, loved, and hated could fit on the tip of this arrow with plenty of room to spare.
So why is it that we think we are so great. Some people say God created heaven and Earth for us. so we have this planet and maybe the solar system. What is the rest for? We think the universe is about 10 or so billion years old because that is the oldest light that has reached our eyes. Thats seems like a lot of wasted space for one little race of people.
In the interest of keeping this short (plus I am late for work) I will wrap up. The next time you think you are the greatest thing in the universe or even the world, I know some of you do, but I still love you, just think about how small we are in all reality. I know this thought isn't really complete but I will most likely have some tangent thoughts off this is the future.
Stay Swinging,
P.S. I am trying to think of a snappy sign off phrase (such as "Seacrest Out!")so it might change a couple times before I find something I am comfortable with

The Reason

Well hello, this is my new blog. I figured it was time. I started writing notes on Facebook a little over a year ago and I have gotten about 10 or 11 of them written and I guess I would like to put them out among the general public to see what kind of feedback or criticisms I can get from all the crazy people on the internet instead of just my friends.
Plus I have found that for most things in my life, it takes me about two years later than average to adopt them. For example, about 6 months ago, I got my first MP3 Player. Even developmental wise, I lost my last baby tooth about two years after most of my classmates. I could get into even more detail about those sort of things... but I will wait a little while before I get perverted on here. I think you get the idea. I don't feel comfortable bearing those kinds of secrets on the web yet....
Another reason I got this started is because the fascist bastards that run this bloggy site now make you have some sort of google account in order for me to compliment on my friend Bigsby's blog over at The Bigsby Factor. So let me say... Fuck you Blogspot! or google or whoever owns you now. Eat a dick.
Well that will do it for me... over the next week or two I will be putting the notes up on here periodically.
Peace out,