Monday, March 31, 2008

George Bush Does Not Like Paris Hilton

Religion is an interesting thing. It can make someone stop on the side of the road to help you change your tire, help you out with a few bucks if you're in need, or it will make someone kill you because their god has a different name/attitude/color/whatever. Staying away from that topic and moving to something a little more local. A new brand new bill was just passed in the North Dakota Senate (or House, I can't remember which) that would deny anyone an abortion unless the pregnency was threatening their life.
For all of you prol-lifers out there, good for you, for all the pro-choicers, serves you right. Damn left-wing hippies. Anyway, The pro-life march across the country has its plusses. Life is indeed a gift and we here in the U.S. need all the little gifts we can get. America has pretty close to three hundred million people. Thats a big number, but China has over 1.3 billion. Damn, they got us by a billion people.
If America is going to hang on to its world superpower status, we need to bolster up the numbers. What better way to do that than let people believe they are commiting murder if they have an abortion, or that there is a strong possibility they will go to Hell if they use a condom or some other form of birth control.
This means that when Sally has a one night stand with Harry after meeting him on the dance floor at Gilly's, the little result growing inside of her is a life and to take it out early would be murder. But this Harry fellow seems like he would be a good father. He just got promoted to assistant manager at Office Max, this man is going places.
Sometimes you have to look at the evolutionary side of things. People that troll for tail at Gilly's or any similar place usually aren't the brightest people around. Their brain set-up will mix in with the mother's (who promises to quit smoking and drinking after the first trimester). These kids will come out and probalby be encouraged by their father to play football and hockey. Then, while drinking after the game they go right ahead and fuck some cheerleader ("Like, oh my God, he can like, throw that football so far); she gets knocked up and the whole vicious cycle starts over again.
Well I think I set out to say what I wanted to say. It didn't end up where I thought it would but thats just the way it goes sometimes. Don't hate me if I offend you, but let me know if I do, I need the feedback.
Have yourselves a good superbowl weekend, and don't do anything the Good Lord woun't do. I may even swing by your place and bring you some food, if I am in a generous mood.
This has nothing to do with this note. But I do get a kick out of it

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